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ten books on social media marketing that you should read

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Social Media Marketing Books

The editors at Solutions Review have compiled a list of marketing automation books worth reading based on their relevance, ratings, publish date, and ability to add value to a business. Solutions Review participates in affiliate programs and may make a small commission from products purchased through this resource.

There are hundreds of free social media marketing and automation resources available online (such as Solutions Review’s Marketing Automation Buyer’s Guide and best practices). Those are helpful when you need a quick reference. But sometimes, it’s best to do things the old-fashioned way, as few resources can match the depth and comprehensive details of a well-written digital marketing book.

If you’re looking for a social media marketing book for you and your team to read, Solutions Review has you covered. We’ve carefully selected some of the best social media marketing books based on their relevance, ratings, publish date, and ability to add business value. Each book listed has a minimum rating of four stars and forty customer reviews per book.

The titles included come from recognized leaders, experts, and technology professionals. From managing your social channels to growing your follower base, these publications will have something to offer even the most tenured social media marketer.

Social Media Marketing Books You Should Read


Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen


OUR TAKE: Written by New York Times best-selling author Donald Miller, this book has nearly 5,000 reviews and a 4.7-star rating, making it a great resource for marketers looking to improve and update their company’s marketing efforts.


Description: Donald Miller’s approachable book is written to help marketers and business owners engage with their customers, identify the real reason customers make purchases, simplify their brand message, create effective messaging across platforms, and master the seven “universal story points” that Miller says all humans respond to. Miller’s book will be a valuable resource for all readers, regardless of their job title, role, industry, or experiences. The basis of Miller’s book is based on three questions he believes every customer will ask a company.


Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media


OUR TAKE: Boost your social media presence and brand with this top-rated book from an experienced social media strategist and proven influencer.


Description: Written by Brittany Hennessy—a blogger, social media strategist, and Senior Director of Influencer Strategy and Talent Partnerships at Hearst Magazines Digital Media—this bestselling book will help social media marketers and influencers of all experience levels learn how to build an audience, package their brand, pitch to companies, monetize their influence, landing an agent, and more. Other topics covered in the book include creating content, using hashtags to improve discoverability, understanding FTC rules, tracking metrics, and optimizing your social profile.


Momentum: The 5 Marketing Principles That Will Propel Your Business in the Digital Age


OUR TAKE: Geared toward young businesses and established enterprises, this book thoroughly examines the foundational principles that define successful social media marketing strategies.


Description: Regardless of a company’s industry, gaining and maintaining marketing momentum is often an uphill battle. This is a dilemma that best-selling author, worldwide speaker, marketing expert, and CEO Shama Hyder wants to help companies deal with. In this book, Hyder will help her readers demystify the marketing landscape, identify opportunities, grow their organization, boost ROI, and develop a successful marketing plan with essential tools and principles. These cover analytics, cross-pollination strategies, content curation, analytics, integrations, and customer-focused marketing.


One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days


OUR TAKE: Writer Brendan Kane has assembled a book with insights and interviews from celebrities, influencers, and professionals to help his audience improve their social media brand and online success.


Description: With this updated version of his popular book, Brendan Kane has taken his years of experience developing online platforms and digital strategies for companies and celebrities and turned it into an accessible guide for companies looking to improve and scale their marketing strategies. Readers will learn how to gain a dedicated online following, create personalized content that appeals to their target audience, build a multi-media brand via social media platforms, and take advantage of e-commerce and direct response marketing.


Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies


OUR TAKE: Social media is changing rapidly, so Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng have written a book to help companies stay on top of the newest social media trends, tips, and best practices.


Description: Social media continues to be one of the most critical and competitive spaces in the marketing world. If your company needs some help getting noticed, this book can help. Comprised of nine “mini” books, the book will equip you and your marketing team with straightforward instructions and tips to improve how you promote your business, engage with customers, and respond to feedback. Topics covered include developing social mixes, using video, measuring success, getting to know an audience, and mastering the social media platforms customers use.


Social Media Marketing Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Social Media Engagement and Profitability


OUR TAKE: With a rock-solid 5-star rating on Amazon after nearly 1,000 customer reviews, this popular book will give you an in-depth overview of the tips and tricks you need to improve your social media presence.


Description: Social media marketers that pick up this top-rated title will equip themselves with tips, tricks, insights, and best practices about improving their social media scores, effectively engaging with their audience, optimizing their digital presence, creating campaigns, fine-tuning SEO efforts, maximizing visibility, building meaningful brand awareness, driving sales, and giving their brand’s visibility a big boost. With 300+ pages of in-depth material for improving social media engagement and profitability across platforms, this book is worth any marketers’ time.


Social Media Marketing For Beginners: Your Roadmap to Online Success: Proven Tactics For Social Media Mastery


OUR TAKE: If you’re looking for a place to begin your social media marketing journey, this popular book can give you the accessible overview you need to develop your skills.


Description: Social media is a crucial but daunting pillar for any marketing strategy. With this book, marketing beginners will learn everything they need about using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and Reddit to develop their online presence and reach target audiences. Each of the book’s twelve chapters covers a specific social media marketing topic, including understanding your audience, developing a strategy, creating content for each social media platform, and identifying the best social media management tools for each platform.


Social Media Marketing Workbook: How to Use Social Media for Business


OUR TAKE: With new updates for 2023, this social media marketing textbook will give you an extensive rundown of the best practices you need to craft successful, engaging strategies.


Description: Written by Jason McDonald, this popular title has recently been updated for 2023 to include new information on recommendation engines vs. traditional social media. The nearly five-hundred-page book will provide readers with a platform-by-platform overview of creating successful social media marketing and advertising strategies. The book includes best practices around Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, and email marketing. Readers who purchase the title can also access downloadable resources and worksheets.


2,000 Social Media Marketing Tricks: The Best Tips, Advice, and Practices to Grow Your Business: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and More


OUR TAKE: This book offers readers an approachable guide to social media marketing that can help brands of all sizes take their social media presence to the next level.


Description: Growing a business can be an exercise in patience, but if you want to expedite the process, this book might be able to help. This 2020-updated edition covers countless tips and tricks to help companies improve their social media marketing efforts and engagement on platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The step-by-step structure of the book makes it an accessible resource for all kinds of readers, regardless of their social media marketing experience or company role.


500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Strategy for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat


OUR TAKE: With hundreds of positive reviews, this book offers readers an accessible yet thorough guidebook to social media marketing, effective best practices, and more.


Description: Written for busy business owners and marketing professionals, this book is packed with expert-level knowledge and insights written in approachable language that gets right to the point. Author Andrew Macarthy covers essential topics, tips, and best practices for social media marketing strategies, paid advertising, content marketing, driving brand awareness, attracting customers, increasing website traffic, and closing sales. This new version comes with updated tips, examples, and strategies for social media marketing on multiple platforms.


NOW READ: Take These Courses to Become a Social Media Marketing Expert



Article information

Author: Gabrielle Thomas

Last Updated: 1702438203

Views: 985

Rating: 4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gabrielle Thomas

Birthday: 1985-02-25

Address: 62342 Gilbert Overpass, Nancyfurt, MS 06210

Phone: +4576875536439886

Job: Zoologist

Hobby: Fishing, Badminton, Coin Collecting, Bird Watching, Beekeeping, Rock Climbing, Chess

Introduction: My name is Gabrielle Thomas, I am a Adventurous, vivid, honest, treasured, irreplaceable, radiant, skilled person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.